7 Ways to Fix Icons Missing From Start Menu on Windows 11


With Windows 11, Microsoft rolled out various improvements to the Start menu. Be that as it may, it is as yet a work underway and can once in a while glitch. One such example is the point at which the Start menu neglects to show icons for applications and documents in Windows 11.

How to Fix Icons Missing from Start Menu on Windows 11

Assuming missing icons from the outset menu has you disappointed, fret not. The following are some powerful investigating tips that ought to assist you with recovering missing icons right away. Along these lines, we should look at them.


Windows Explorer process is liable for giving a graphical point of interaction to a few utilities, including the Start menu. Thus, on the off chance that the Start menu isn't stacking as expected, restarting the Windows Explorer cycle ought to be your initial step.

  • Stage 1: Right-click the Start symbol and select Task Manager from the rundown.
  • Stage 2: In the Processes tab, find Windows Explorer. Right-click on it and select Restart.

The Taskbar will vanish for a couple of moments and show up once more. From that point onward, verify whether the Start menu loads icons.


Start Menu Experience Host is a cycle that handles the Start menu on Windows 11. In the event that the cycle experiences any issues, the Start menu might neglect to show icons or quit working completely. To fix it, you can restart the Start Menu Experience Host by following the means beneath.

  • Stage 1: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to send off the Task Manager.
  • Stage 2: Head over to the Details tab and find StartMenuExperienceHost.exe. Right-click on it and select End task.
  • Stage 3: Click on End cycle to affirm.

The cycle will start consequently and the Start menu ought to show icons.


On the off chance that you apparently can't find icons for Settings, File Explorer, Downloads, and such, on the Start menu, you might have unintentionally crippled them. This is the way you can empower them once more.

  • Stage 1: Right-click anyplace on the unfilled space on the Desktop and select Personalize.
  • Stage 2: In the Settings application that opens, click on Start.
  • Stage 3: Go to Folders.
  • Stage 4: Use the switches to empower all your favored icons in the Start menu.

Once empowered, you ought to see that multitude of icons in the Start menu, close to the power button.


Windows caches all of the application and record icons that it shows. This disposes of the requirement for Windows to more than once recover icons from the source. In any case, assuming the symbol cache data set has become undermined or blocked off, Windows might neglect to show icons in the Start menu. Assuming that is the situation, compelling Windows to revamp that cache ought to assist with fixing the issue.

  • Stage 1: Press the Windows key + X and select Terminal (Admin) from the rundown.
  • Stage 2: Copy and glue the accompanying command for exploring the index where Windows saves the symbol cache: album/d %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer
  • Stage 3: Run the accompanying command to erase the symbol cache. del iconcache*

Restart your PC in the wake of running the above commands and check whether icons show up in the Start menu.


It's conceivable that a new change to the framework or the Start menu has caused this issue. In the event that you just can't distinguish the specific reason, you can utilize the accompanying technique to re-register the Start menu on Windows.

  • Stage 1: Click on the hunt symbol on the Taskbar, type in Task Manager, and press Enter.
  • Stage 2: Click on Run new assignment button at the top.
  • Stage 3: Type powershell in the case and check the crate that peruses 'Make this errand with managerial honors'. Then, at that point, click on OK.
  • Stage 4: Run the accompanying command in the PowerShell window.      Get-appxpackage - all *shellexperience* - packagetype group |% {add-appxpackage - register - disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml")}

Trust that the cycle will finish and afterward restart your PC.


Undermined or missing framework records on your PC can likewise cause issues with the Start menu. In such cases, running a SFC (or System File Checker) can assist you with confirming the honesty of all the framework documents and fix them. This is the way to run it.

  • Stage 1: Press the Windows key + S to get to the hunt menu. Type in terminal in the crate, right-click on the primary outcome and select Run as manager.
  • Stage 2: In the control center, run the accompanying command.   sfc/scannow

Verify whether the device figured out how to fix any framework documents. From that point forward, restart your PC and check whether icons are as yet missing from the beginning menu.


Obsolete or failing designs drivers can likewise prompt such issues with Windows UI components. You can fix such issues rather effectively by refreshing your PC's illustrations drivers.

  • Stage 1: Open the hunt menu, type in gadget director, and press Enter.
  • Stage 2: Expand Display connectors, right-click on your showcase card, and select Update driver.

From that point, adhere to the on-screen guidelines to wrap up refreshing the drivers and check whether that fixes the issue.


The Start menu is a fundamental piece of Windows 11 that allows you to get to your applications, documents, settings, and more from one spot. At the point when the Start menu neglects to stack icons for your applications and records, distinguishing them becomes troublesome. We trust that one of the above tips dislikes the Start menu and things are back to typical.
